Tuesday, October 31, 2006
In both of our emails, first names of people other than AG and myself have been edited as first initials only. These emails were sent long before he was known as American Guy and before I took the name Green. For convenience sake though I will use these names when referring to either he or I. Following the format used in God vs Darwin, AG's emails will be in red and mine in green.
I warn you, due to the material covered, the posts tend to be quite lengthy, though I hope that won't detract you from your reading and commenting.
I had intended to post just those emails and that's all, but now I think I'm going to aim on expanding the scope of the blog to incorporate everything I've written regarding Christianity and religion, including (eventually) dual postings from my part in GvD. However, please don't ignore, God vs Darwin which is a great read in and of itself because of the differing viewpoints of the four main contributors.
Commentary from you, the readers of this blog, are always welcome and could spark topics and ideas for future posts.
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